In the late "80's" pop song, It's my prerogative, Bobby Brown declared that he could in fact do what he wanted to do without explanation, permission, or validation of anyone.
Well this same young man went on to have a chaotic life, marriage, drug addiction that lasted for many years, all because he did what he wanted to do, the issues was he did ALL he wanted to do. He had too many options so nothing of value held him in place long enough to gain the success he really desired. Success in any area comes down to doing the one thing you do well, loving that thing, then placing all of your focus in that one thing. Goals are great, but having too many can be a problem if they are things you want to do, but not things you were called to do. Before fully entering into my health journey and began to see real success, I wanted to lose weight, but didn't want to leave the food. Like Bobby's song I still wanted to do what I wanted to do, because I left the door open to all the options to eat the food I wanted. That way of thinking led only to short term success which caused frustration. The real heart issue was I still wanted to control something. I felt had given so much already, plus I was a good Christian and did good things so I thought. Well I now understand that God will not take anything from your that you still want so if you want the options, you can have them, but you will also keep the bondage. Success God's way mean giving up our way. Learning to cut off every option that gives us our way, and following Gods directions will always leads to success.
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God will finish the work!
2 Chronicles 20:15 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) He said, Hearken, all Judah, you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you King Jehoshaphat. The Lord says this to you: Be not afraid or dismayed at this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. God is mounting an offense in you against His enemy that has now become yours. It is His plan to fully advance you toward the expected end He has destined and promised. He already knows exactly what you will ever face, and His plan for victory is Yes! And in Him Amen. In this battle the enemy will never be the issue, the issue will be us letting go of control, and cooperating with Gods plan. He has instructions for us to follow to put us in the right places for advancement to happen. Learning to let go of control is a work that’s done through trusting God. In order to trust Gods plan we must conclude everyday that He will always have our victory in mind, knows the right time, and most importantly that He loves us, 1 John 4:16 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by observation and by experience) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him. We must remember and spend time with the Father daily to understand, recognize, and become conscious of our experiences of victory with God, that will pull us back into the place of fully resting in His instructions, and embrace how he wants us to advance forward to our next place called there. We must remember, He wants to fight through us with His power and might, and not with our own plans involved. When our hearts are fully giving to His plan, we can rest knowing that we always win. Lacy I was reading through an Instagram post of a young woman who was boasting about the fact that she had weight loss surgery and still ate all the food she did before. As I was reading the comments, I became very aware that she like most people in general, still had the "magic potion mindset" concerning weight loss.
For years all I wanted to do was to loss weight. I didn't want to eat right or give up the items that caused me to binge. I just didn't want to be big any more. I wasted years looking for the "magic" pill that would make all the fat just go away. I took pills, drank powders, went to thousands of meetings, and yet healing didn't begin until I was willing to let go of the pain, and the food that locked me into my self-imposed jail cell of fat. The weight wasn't the issue, it was never the issue. The weight, and the chaos was the suit-case that held the pain, unmet needs, and unresolved issues. The issues expressed themselves through the way I ate and lived. During my journey to having weight loss surgery, I begin a different healing journey. I stopped focusing on the outer appearance, and focused on the heart, my heart. While focusing on the inner healing journey, God started to instruct me to process my emotions, take care of my body, eat well, and get the sleep and rest I needed. I found the truth that made me free! I needed to do the work, the healing work with God, then I had to do the natural work. I had to change the way I ate, the way I processed my emotions, and the way I rested. Health, healing and wholeness is not a magic pill. There is no potion we can drink that will make the pain of yesterday, and fat on our bodies go away. Wholeness is God's desire, not just weight loss. It is a full, complete process that we must commit to, and take full part in. Lacy Lange |
You are always giving yourself something" AuthorLacy Lange is a writer and Empowerment Speaker who lives in Michigan with her husband of 25 years, Roger and has two adult sons, and two grand-kids. Archives
February 2020