"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." Jer. 1:5a
He know the us that we don't know yet! The Father has a plan already set in place for us. Who we are, where we will go, and what we will do is already made ready. The issue I find is that we are not always in a good place in our hearts and heads to agree, and cooperate fully with His plan. We have been given a false reality of what success is. We take this false belief about success into every area of our life. If we knew what the Father's measurement for success is, I believe striving to be something or someone He didn't make us to be would fade away. Success to the Father is a woman pouring oil on His feet. To Him it's training up children in the way they should go. To Him it touching and changing the lives of the community you live and work in. It's giving a sure prophetic word that changes a generation! Changing lives, sons and daughters coming into the Kingdom of God is His goal. You and me knowing who we were always meant to be is His goal. His Kingdom coming in and through the ones He called who are called by His name. All of us "before" we got here was ordained by God, had a plan mapped out by God! It is completely on us to surrender to His plan. He want to love us, heal us, then fulfill us by us being who we are in Him, the "Before" us now!
You are always giving yourself something" AuthorLacy Lange is a writer and Empowerment Speaker who lives in Michigan with her husband of 25 years, Roger and has two adult sons, and two grand-kids. Archives
February 2020