You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you. Isa. 26:3
Today we must fight for our peace. We live in a day where arguments escalate into fights over the smallest, unimportant things like a chicken sandwich, to a differing political views. The love of many has indeed become cold, ice cold. God's promise of peace comes at the cost of our focus being on Him. What does that look like in real time? Being resolved to pray about everything, but not allowing the burden of anything weigh you down. It is very easy to take false responsibility over things we have no control over. Without even knowing, our lack of peace is partnering with the enemies's plan to steal, kill, and destroy. What can we do? Take charge over what you are consuming. T.V., social media, and even news papers contain an endless flow of confusion, and chaos. When it is our desire to be informed on the important issues, we are instead engulfed in the whirlwind of confusion. Know the things that God has assigned to you to focus on. While everything has a spiritual meaning, everything does not deserve our focus! Know when the peace of God leaves, then turn back to Him as your focus, and His peace will return. We as His children, must rest in knowing that nothing is a surprise to Him, in the world, and in our world. Trust Him and know that He works all things together for GOOD! Rom. 8:28 Pray, and leave the results to our Wonderful Daddy ABBA! He Got Us! Lacy
Adjust means to alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.
The sail of a boat is the determining factor in the direction that the boat goes in. This determines the destinations of the people on the boat, and the where they arrive. God has a destined plan for us according to Jer. 29:11, and this plan is good, and will give us hope in our final outcome. This is a promise that He will not change, but we must cooperate with His plan in order to see and fulfill the outcome He has already pre-destined for us. As long as we live we will have to adjust, shift, and change from our own understanding, over to His. By the way, God is always right! Our feelings, attitude, and behavior are governed by, or directed by our perspective, so if our perspective is off, or in error so will our feelings, attitude, and behavior also be. As I began to seek God's perspective about my life and things happening around me, my feelings changed. As longs as I saw the world and circumstances through a hopeless perspective, I felt hopeless, spoke in hopeless terms, and behavior hopeless about the world and so many other issues. Most times all it take is a slight adjustment in perspective. Acknowledging God in all of our ways, (situations, issues, life circumstance, world issues) and not lean to our own understand, which is limited and based on our intellect and rely on Him, He will direct what we are to do about every thing. While everything has a spiritual meaning, everything doesn't require my focus. Only the things God has directed me to focus on will produce the peace that comes with His perspective. Wherever He is,so is His peace is. Take some time to think about it. Are things really as deep as they are, or is it our perspective that has caused a molehill to become a mountain. Lacy |
You are always giving yourself something" AuthorLacy Lange is a writer and Empowerment Speaker who lives in Michigan with her husband of 25 years, Roger and has two adult sons, and two grand-kids. Archives
February 2020